Daily Schedule
7:35-8:05 Table Tops
8:05-8:40 Breakfast
8:40-8:55 Bathroom Break
8:55-9:25 Circle Time (Calendar, Days of the Week, Character Word, Days in School)
9:25-10:25 Buddy Stations (3 Rotations @ 20 minutes each)
10:25-10:50 Recess/Movement
10:50-11:30 Buddy Stations (2 Rotations @ 20 minutes each)
11:30-11:45 Bathroom Break
11:45-12:05 Story Time
12:05-12:35 Lunch Time
12:35-12:50 Whole Group Writing
12:50-1:00 Bathroom Break/Prepare-Rest Time
1:00-2:00 Rest Time
2:00-2:10 Bathroom Break
2:10-2:30 Recess/Movement
2:30-3:15 Free Centers/Clean-up
3:15-3:20 Prepare to Go Home
3:20-3:25 Going Home