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Lee Umsted

Welcome to Middle School Science


7th Grade Life Science

9-30/ 10-4


Monday Human Body systems- Intro to the Integumentary system
Tuesday Explain the function, parts, and disorders of the Integumentary system
Wednesday Discuss the 5 functions of the system, along with the three main sections of the skin
Thursday Chromebook assignment; Discuss the functions of each section/ layer of skin
Friday Packet assignment; Explain how hair and nails function as part of the integumentary system.


8th Grade Earth Science


Monday Introduce the 5 systems that comprise Earth; Discuss how they are connected together and damaging one affects the others; Identify the different layers of the atmosphere and their functions.
Tuesday Discuss the geosphere and the different layers of Earth; Identify the different parts of the hydrosphere and where they are found.
Wednesday Chromebook assignment; Discuss the biosphere and what all it entails; Identify where life and living things exist on Earth and what makes life on Earth possible; 
Thursday Identify the areas of Earth where the cryosphere is found; Discuss the theory of how the layers of Earth formed according the the laws of density.
Friday Determine how gravity and density played a part in forming the different layers of Earth.



Lee Umsted

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Contact Lee Umsted

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
580-434-5700 ext 3
Conference Time:
1:25 - 2:20