January 20-24, 2025
Schedule |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Arrival & Breakfast 7:35-8:05 |
Students arrive, put backpacks away & go to breakfast. Take lunch count. Check Homework folders for lunch money etc.
Special Class Rotation 8:10-9:05 |
P.E. class or Computer Lab |
Break/morning work 9:10-9:30 |
Take bathroom break, wash hands, and get drinks. Morning work. First name tracer pages |
Reading Into/Circle Time 9:30-9:50
Attendance, flag salutes, moment of silence, leader, review rules, calendar, months, days of the week, seasons, letter recognition, numbers 1-20, letter sounds, morning songs, money song, colors, shapes, counting, phonics dance cards, large ABC cards, read book of the day. |
Morning Work/Penmanship/Journal 9:55-10:50 |
Morning seat work, Fill-In toys, buddy reading time, Individual books, journals |
Phonics/Reading/Kindergarten Power Point 9:20-10:50 Extra Time: Table centers or students may take books to their desk to read when work is completed.
Lesson 69 (Cc) Letter C worksheets Sight words review Letter c for car cut and paste Reading Chapter 5 Week 2 Worksheet 1 |
Lesson 71 (Cc) Letter C cut and paste Write the alphabet Reading Chapter 5 Week 2 Worksheet 2 |
Review spelling words and write 3 times each Cool Cowboy Carl listen and follow the directions
Spelling and sight words test for lesson 4 Clown pocket pal and flash cards for letter Cc
No School Distance Learning
Continue to work on Reading Eggs and Math Seeds-Login info is in RED Folder
Break 10:50-11:10 |
Get ready for lunch: story online, Alphablocks, Brainpop Jr.
Lunch 11:40-12:05 |
Students line up to go to lunch room. Students with lunch boxes wait by wall to go inside until a teacher is in there to seat them.
Math 12: 10-12:30 |
Saxon Math Lesson 69 |
Saxon Math Lesson 71 |
Saxon Math Lesson 72 |
Saxon Math Lesson 73 |
Distance Learning Day |
Centers 12:30-1:00 Centers
Students are allowed to get centers off the shelf and play on rugs, go to library center, do fill in toys by themselves at their own desk; Afterward: students clean up and put everything back in center tubs. I also help individual or small groups, students can finish any unfinished work
Recess 12:55-1:30 |
Outside if weather permits |
Break/ Prepare for home 1:30-1:40 |
Get folders ready, put folders and completed papers from their cubby baskets in backpacks. As they finish stuffing backpacks they may take bathroom breaks, wash hands, and get drinks. |
Smartboard/Story time/Art Social Studies 1:40-2:45 Video when work
100th day count by tens to 100 worksheet Count to 100 aloud by tens |
How Do You Count To 100 mini-book |
Dress up for the 100th day of school 100th day Make a 100 days smarter hat to wear |
Thankful Thursday snacks and video |
No School Distance Learning |
Third Meal 2:55-3:05 |
Students clean up their area, get backpacks put chairs up, All other bus riders will leave the room at 3:15 and walk to the cafeteria and sit at their correct spot/bus.
Car Riders 3:10 |
Line up for car line. Students go sit in hall. Walkers go to North door |
Home 3:15 |
I have bus duty each day: Mr. Evan’s Bus